Carpet pythons make a home in Brisbane ceiling

Опубликованно 02.09.2020 06:10

Carpet pythons make a home in Brisbane ceiling

David Tait found the two reptiles, 2.8m and 2.5m long respectively, weighing about 22kg in total, in his Dayboro home on Monday morning.

They had smashed a hole in the fibro ceiling in his kitchen before they slithered their way to a bedroom and the living room.

Local snake catcher Steven Brown told Today it appeared he had caught two male snakes, who could have been fighting over a third, female snake.

The third snake has not been located, sparking fears it could still be living in the roof or close by to the house.

Mr Tait he had occasionally seen snakes basking on his roof on cold mornings, but had never heard movements in his roof before.

Two carpet snakes, weighing a combined 22kg, have smashed a hole in a Dayboro kitchen ceiling.

“We have a lot of bush around here so you do see snakes,’’ Mr Tait said on Today on Tuesday morning.

“But I’d never seen snakes of that size.”

“I’d been away from the night and came home to find most of the dining room ceiling on the table.

“I found one snake in the bedroom and we found one in the lounge room.”

It comes as Tuesday, September 1 marks the official beginning of snake breeding season, according to Steven Brown from Brisbane North Snake Catchers and Relocation.

One of the two massive carpet snakes that made a home in David Tait's ceiling.

Mr Brown said the snakes in Mr Tait’s kitchen roof had been “some of the biggest and fattest” he’d ever seen.

“I got the call saying this guy had a couple of snakes, and it wasn’t until I turned up and asked if he’d left the door open overnight,” Mr Brown said.

“Then he said he hadn’t, and I thought … oh, okay, this will be interesting.”

Mr Tait said he wasn’t too keen on the possibility of a third snake still lurking about, but was grateful a snake catcher had been able to help him with his slithery problem.

Mr Brown said although carpet snakes could theoretically get up to 4m long, 3m was considered about the largest size in the wild.

“If this same incident happens to anyone, don’t take matters into your own hands,” he said.

“Call a snake catcher.”

He relocated both at a state forest about 1km away.

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